Our services - Hdcadvisory

Merge & Acquisition and financial Advisory
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Our services

Our staff of Professionals will assist you in:

  • Merger and acquisition
  • International Joint Ventures
  • Spin off real estate assets

Hdc Advisory can support Italian companies in their plans to expand into international markets and, vice versa, can help foreign companies to identify the right strategies that enable them to successfully enter the European markets.

Hdc Advisory can help entrepreneurs manage critical situations due to generational changeovers and/or internal conflicts with partners.
Finally, HDC Advisory operates in the consulting sector, drawing on a staff of consultants with considerable expertise in the corporate field.
In particular, HDC Advisory is able to provide:

  • Search for international partners (JV)
  • Management of current accounts
  • Consulting in start-up activities
  • Real Estate Advisory
HDC Advisory S.A.
Via Guidino, 20
6900 Paradiso (CH)

+41 76 453 1877
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